Sunday 10 August 2014

Inspiration for Blank Spaces

It's mid August, and it's that dreaded time when you can feel summer slipping away with each passing day (rhyme not intentional, just happy coincidence!). I love the warm weather, the days on the lake, the time with family, etc. However, with the knowledge that September will soon be upon us, along with all it's craziness and busyness, I need to get-er-done.

One of my projects was to give our bedroom a revamp. We live in a basement suite so there's not a lot of things I can do (besides looking forward to the future filled with a space flooded in natural light), but giving our room a paint job was one of them. It was brown before. Be glad there is no before photo. Rooms without natural light should never be painted a dark colour. So we got to work and painted the room the only colour our landlords would allow, and lucky for us it was a light grey that looks white to the naked eye. 

Now that we've painted our space though, the room is brighter, but I know have this obviously blank wall starting back at me. 

Obviously I want to put something there, but my house is already full of collages of pictures, so I wanted to do something creative and inspiring. I haven't decided what I want to do yet, but here are my sources of inspiration, each with a clickable link if you too are inspired. 

#1. Be Still and Know {} - A beautiful reminder for when you lay your head to rest. 

#2. Sequinned Wall Art {} - Because who doesn't need more sequins in their life

PS also has amazing clothes. Great ideas for the home and cool clothes? Yes please!

#3. You & Me Wood Pallet Art {} - If only I had a Silhouette machine!!

#4 String Art - Oh just imagine the possibilities!!

{} - Picture this filling your whole wall!

#5 Marquee Letters {} - Not at ALL practical for the bedroom, but still so cool.

#6 Funky Art 

{} - Sticked Star Wall Constellations

{} - Gold Moon Wall… seriously awesome

{} Clocks, clocks, clocks

Last one! #7 Really LARGE prints

{} …pretty flowers

So many options! What to do!

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